It began in 2007, when two cryptozoology researchers, Peter G. Beach and Milt Marcy were drawn to a location near a rural town in the Pacific Northwest. Earlier that year an acquaintance had notified them of spotting an unusual avian perched in a tree, overlooking a river. Arriving a few months later they initially did not perceive any unusual creature. However, during the following night a number of bizarre aerial “lights” were observed moving parallel to the river. The current conditions prohibited the viewing of stars and other celestial objects – including the meteors. Equally unexplainable was the fact that the “lights” were shifting directionally in their trajectories. Given the nature of the rapid changes in their flight paths and low altitude, it was concluded that this phenomenon was not extraterrestrial in origin. Also taking into account the distance and dimensions estimated, a biological explanation has been assumed as acceptable. At first it may seem foreign to some, but there are a number of organisms that exhibit bioluminescent capabilities. We’ll return to this point later.
In the years following this event, the Cryptid Brothers have been involved in the subsequent investigations in the region. On July 7, 2008 they accompanied Peter G Beach to the scene of the first incident. After observing a small amount of unusual “lights”, around 12:30 am, a fairly large creature flew directly above us. According Mr. Beach, the silhouetted creature was roughly 30 feet above, the elongated head and neck were visible, though in the conditions they appeared to be merged. The shape of the wings was an intriguing feature, in that they were comparable to those of a common bat. The 5-6 foot wingspread of this animal, however, does rule out every known bat native to North America.
This year the Cryptid Brothers continue the investigation, expanding to new locations where similar animals have been seen recently. One such report consisted on several members of a family encountering possible juveniles living in a large forested area twice this year. According to their descriptions, these bat-like creatures had a wingspan of about 18 inches and possessed a long tail with a diamond-shaped flange. Interestingly, they were seen clinging to portions of barren tree trunks with their clawed wings. As a result of our examination, we have reason to believe they are credible witness. At a nearby location we met again with a family that had seen these animals over the past few years. In one remarkable incident the animal was seen harassing an eagle. It appeared to have fur on the body, a long tail with the characteristic diamond-shaped flange and bat-like wings.
As with you, we wondering what animal this is. At this point we believe it is very possible that a very large bat, such as the Flying Fox may be the perpetrator. Another likely possibility is that a pterosaur could account for the phenomena. Pterosaurs were flying reptiles that supposedly became extinct with the dinosaurs in the KT Extinction approximately 65 million years ago. However, many historical records seem to point in favor of a surviving colony of these animals. Reports collected from Paupa New Guinea and surrounding areas speak of a bioluminescent light associated with the creature (Ropen). Is it possible this winged cryptid of the Pacific Northwest is a similar bioluminescent animal?